2021 Annual Report

On Wednesday, December 14th, we had a virtual annual report event to highlight some of the great work of our team in 2021, and some exciting opportunities for community members to be engaged in our work.

In 2021, our team really focused on lifting up community voice. We updated two positions, our Engagement Director and Early Learning Associate, to be more dedicated to this work. We also worked alongside Community Power Consultant, Auntavia Jackson, to recreate core values for our team.  We are transformative, working to shift power to low-income individuals and communities of color. We amplify community power, by sharing access to high level spaces.  We prioritize goals and initiatives that lead to systems transformation. 

At the event, we were excited to highlight our work with the YWCA of Southeastern WI’s compentency-based 5.09 High School Equivalency Diploma program (HSED) with Jake Gorges of the YWCA and Andre Bennet from Racine Unified and the Rise Up program with Kristin McManmon of Ascension-All Saints and Ariah Zwolinski-Coyle from Goodwill. Both conversations, which you can watch in full in the video here, highlighted how important it is to listen to the people who are engaging in the program to make changes. We also saw how both programs took what they had learned from community members utilizing their programs and made changes within their larger systems to reflect those learnings.

Lastly, we were excited to announce two more Community Power Consultant positions opening this year: Community Led Data Consultant and Youth Voice Consultant. To learn more about those positions, click here.

It was a great year, and we are excited for whats to come in 2022! To see our full annual report, click here.


Community Engagement: What We've Learned


Increased Internet Access in Racine County