2020 Annual Report


In Ruth King's book, Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out, she frames systemic racism, and the inability for some people to see it, as the difference between seeing stars and constellations. When you are looking at one moment, one star, you miss how those moments and the decisions that lead to them are interacting together and developing into an oppressive system. It is when you look at the macro level - of how different events have occurred until this moment - that you see the constellation - the pattern of oppression that must be changed by rebuilding our systems to be equitable and just. 

We have been inspired by this analogy to take a broader look at the last year of our work. When we zoom out and frame our efforts alongside the work of our institutional partners and our community, we see the constellation. We see how all of these moments in time - these singular data points, programs, policies, and events - create a pattern of working together that pushes Racine towards systemic change. We see where we have transformed our efforts, and where we still have work to do. We are excited to share our year with you in this new, digital format here.


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