Commute to Careers

New Program offers Low-Cost Rides to Work or Training

Commute to Careers program removes major barrier for many residents seeking family-sustaining jobs Racine – A new state-funded transportation program will remove a major hurdle facing many Racine County residents struggling to obtain employment.

Higher Expectations for Racine County, in partnership with Racine County, has received $267,000 through the state’s Commute to Careers program to fund rides for residents unable to access worker training or employment due to lack of transportation, County Executive Jonathan Delagrave announced today. Commute to Careers is a program of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. Eligible residents pay just $1 to $2 per ride through a vanpool-type program provided by Community Health Transit LLC.

“For many residents, lack of transportation is one of the biggest hurdles standing in the way of a family-sustaining job,” Delagrave said. “Commute to Careers will remove a major barrier by helping provide affordable, flexible transportation to training, education and employment.” “We have worked tirelessly to position residents and businesses for success.

The Commute to Careers program is a win for businesses seeking talented employees as well as job seekers and their families,” Delagrave added.

To be eligible, residents must live in Racine County, be at least 18 years old, and be unable to access work or training due to a transportation issue. Residents must also complete an application and meet all requirements of the Commute to Careers program. Eligible participants can utilize transportation services for a period of 90 days.

The Commute to Careers program is anticipated to extend through 2020.

Residents or businesses interested in learning more about the Commute to Careers should contact Kim Parsons at or call (262) 638-6528.

Original Press Release by: M.T. Boyle, (262) 636-3120,

To read the Journal Times Story click here.


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