‘Community conversations’ Racine County partners work on battling bias and inequities


Thinking differently about supporting our community

In 2017, Higher Expectations for Racine County, along with thirty community leaders and staff members, participated in a Results Count leadership program for race equity and inclusion in Racine. The workshop was facilitated by StriveTogether. Participants formed five teams — kindergarten readiness (ages 0-3), kindergarten readiness (ages 4-5), elementary reading, school safety and employment. They deepened their own understanding of race, class and culture; identified and analyzed the causes of racial inequities; and defined and refined action plans to advance race equity and inclusion to accelerate results.

The program pushed leaders to think differently about how to target services and support to communities of color and how to transform systems to advance equity. Action plans included identifying ways to spread effective practices, like Circles of Support an after-school program which has a goal of reducing the number of office behavioral referrals and suspensions for kids. Circles of Support is in nine schools and expected to increase to 11 this academic year.

One of the lessons from the leadership program was to meet families where they are. A program participant and leader of a Circles of Support group has included home visits and meetings at a local Community Oriented Police house to engage students and parents. These meetings are helping to lead to better outcomes for students at his school.

For more information on the Results Count leadership program for race equity and inclusion, check out ‘Community conversations’ Racine County partners work on battling bias and inequities.


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